O'Callaghan's Mills GAA

Founded 1896

Co. Clare

Recent Articles

Recent O'Callaghan's Mills GAA news and info

Club Members Draw 2024

O’Callaghan’s Mills GAA - Club Members DRAW€200 per yearGuaranteed Winner Every MonthMonthly C...

2023 AGM Dec 10th 7pm

The O'Callaghan's Mills GAA AGM will take place on Sunday 10th December at 7pm in Kilkishen Cl...

Club Member's Draw Winners - September & October

Hi AllClub Membership Draw for month’s September & October was held in the clubhouse this...

2023 O'Callaghan's Mills Golf Classic Winners

Our annual Golf Classic took place on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th of September. Weather was ...

Club Members Draw - Prize Winners - July & August

Hi AllClub Draw Membership Draw for month’s July & August was held in the clubhouse this...

Club Draw Winners - May & June

Club Members Draw winners for May & June 2023 are as follows May Club Members Draw Prize ...

Hamilton Park Kilkishen - 1923 to 2023

This year, O’Callaghan’s Mills GAA together with Kilkishen Camogie and Kilkishen Handball clu...

Clare V Cork MSH - Score Prediction Fundraiser

O'Callaghan's Mills GAA are running Score Prediction Fundraiser for next Sunday's much antcipa...

Field Bookings Kilkishen & OCMills Summer 2023

Club Members Draw - Prize Winners - Jan, Feb & March

The Club Members Draws for 2023 were held this eveing in the clubhouse Kilkishen. We had 3 dra...

Club News - February

Dear MembersFor your reference please see main club contacts below for 2023 for any enquiries...

Poker Classic 2022 - O'Callaghan's Mills GAA Club Fundraiser

Tickets now on Sale for 2022 Poker Classic in Jack's Place Kilkishen 3rd March at 9.30pm. Tick...

O'Callaghan's Mills GAA Club Membership 2023

Happy New Year Everyone. Club Membership is now open for 2023 and is now live on clubzap at...

December - Club Draw Winners

The Winners from the December club members draw are as follows €600 (#40)….Kevin & Marie M...

Club Draw Winners

The 11th Club Members Draw for 2022 took place tonight. (February). There were 2 draws in Marc...

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